The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, The Scientific and Methodological Council on Foreign Language Teaching
The (Russian) National Association of Applied Linguistics (NAAL)
The Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies of Lomonosov Moscow State University, DECent - The Distance Education Centre, The Department of Linguistics and IT
The 5th International Scientific and Methodological Conference on
"Information and Communication Technologies in Linguistics,
ELT and Cross-Cultural communication"

Participants alphabetically

  1. Бопп Юлия Владимировна,
    кандидат филологических наук, ГОУ ВПО ,
  2. Abubakirova Natalia Petrovna,
    Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology,
  3. Achkasova Natalya ,
    High School of Economics, Candidate of Pedagogy Sciences,

    • –  "Интерактивные методики в преподавании английского языка: голосование на уроке." (Brief Abstract)

      Интерактивные методики в преподавании английского языка: голосование на уроке.

  4. Achkasova Natalya ,
    High School of Economics,

    • –  "The need for the first year students to develop skill of reflection for effective classroom participation (to the questionof the development of interaction in education) " (Brief Abstract)

      The need for the first year students to develop skill of reflection for effective classroom participation (to the questionof the development of interaction in education)

      Turning to my experience working with first-year students, I would like to mention that their skills of reflection are not well developed. Plus, there is imposed a problem of student adaptation to the educational process in the University. In the beginning of the year students feel confused, some are very stiff. It is important to help them in the formation of readiness to the profession, to teach them to overcome the new circumstances with minimal energy losses. In the given article considered questions related to the notion of reflection, and ways reflective abilities are formed in first-year students through the process of classroom discussion. Much attention is paid to the establishment of interaction in the classroom, which is regarded as a technique for ensuring student communication. Profiles and tasks are suggested, leading to the understanding of the contribution of the student to his studies, and further leading to his/her autonomy.
  5. Aivazova Valeriya Vyacheslavovna,
    PhD in linguistics, Surgut State University,

    • –  "Psychological and didactic peculiarities of using video during the lessons of English " (Brief Abstract)

      Psychological and didactic peculiarities of using video during the lessons of English

      The report is devoted to psychological and didactic peculiarities of using video during the lessons of English. The review of educational and scientific literature concerning this problem is presented.
  6. Alekseeva Nataliya Ivanovna,

    • –  "Modern Approaches to solving the Problems of Language Translation in Software localization. " (Brief Abstract)

      Modern Approaches to solving the Problems of Language Translation in Software localization.

      The paper discusses the process of adapting internationalized software for a specific region or language, language translation, as a large part of software localization, variety of translation problems. How to facilitate language translation, using modern translation technologies, such as CAT-tools, concordances, specialized corpus creation
  7. Amiralieva Raziya Zeidulakhovna,

    • –  "Organization of network based educational interaction through «virtual student» help." (Brief Abstract)

      Organization of network based educational interaction through «virtual student» help.

  8. Andreev Alexander Alexandrovich,
    Phd, professor, Moscow University of Industry and Finance ,

    • –  "Formation and development of distance learning in Russia" (Brief Abstract)

      Formation and development of distance learning in Russia

      In the report the following questions are discussed. Concept of distance learning (DL), historical and organizational aspects of its formation in Russia. Classification of educational institutions and standard legal support DL. Main Russian DL technologies: case, television, correspondent, rotational and technology Internet. E-leaqrning, m-learning and telepresence. Problems Russian DL at the higher school. Main stages of development of the Internet and its didactic characteristics. Internet training examples Russian higher education institutions. Models of Internet training at the higher school. Trends of development of online learning.
  9. Antonova Tamara ,
    a teacher,
  10. Arkhipkina Larisa ,
    Senior teacher -State Agrarian University,
  11. Avramenko Anna Petrovna,
    Post graduate student, EFL teacher, FFL, MSU,

    • –  "Mobile dictionaries implementation in language classroom" (Brief Abstract)

      Mobile dictionaries implementation in language classroom

      The advantages of electronic dictionaries are absolutely clear. They provide students with a wide range of opportunities such as: quick search, vast amount of information, large choice of resources, multimedia materials, etc. However, we tend to underestimate didactic value of electronic dictionaries. Nevertheless, they might be effectively applied both for language practice and communicative exercises. The presentation focuses on types of individual and collaborative tasks based on using dictionaries in students' mobile devices.
  12. Babaeva Raisa Ivanovna,
    PhD, Docent, Ivanovo State University,

    • –  "The contribution of Internet Resources for study of genres" (Brief Abstract)

      The contribution of Internet Resources for study of genres

      The presentation provides an overview of German-speaking electronic cases in terms of genre, the analysis focuses on opportunities in the genres of electronic cases, on a genre example "comment" is illustrated by the contribution of online resources in the study of particular genres.
  13. Barteneva Irina Yuryevna,
    Candidate of History Sciences, National Research University - Higher School of Economics,

    • –  "The Teaching of Foreign Languages. Project Method" (Brief Abstract)

      The Teaching of Foreign Languages. Project Method

      Now there are updating processes in sphere of training foreign languages, there are new approaches to the training, one of them is the project method which can lead to increase of student\'s motivation, they will be stimulated to self-education and development of communicative skills in a foreign language.
  14. Bazhenova Irina Vasilevna,
    PhD in Philology,
  15. Bazhina Taisiya Alexandrovna,
    Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology,
  16. Bergelson Mira ,
    д.ф.н. проф. кафедры лингвистики и информационных технологий ф-та иностранных языков и регионоведения МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова,

    • –  "Intercultural Communication in the Global Classroom: We have been there" (Brief Abstract)

      Intercultural Communication in the Global Classroom: We have been there

      This project was designed to provide students with first-hand experience in intercultural communication by working in teams comprised of MSU and Geneseo students in order to complete a challenge of a practical assignment. Students have been supposed to utilize Moodle, an online course management system, as they worked to complete the project. The components of the assignment were organized within six modules. Each module included project-related directions and required activities to aid team’s interactions. Moodle provides a number of tools designed to foster communication and the exchange of information, however, students were also encouraged to explore and use other tools such as Skype, Facebook, and email to communicate regularly in order to complete the project.
  17. Bobkova Vera Yuryevna,
    PhD student,

    • –  "Online tools for meeting the requirements of the New State Educational Standard for primary schools" (Brief Abstract)

      Online tools for meeting the requirements of the New State Educational Standard for primary schools

      The first part of the report is devoted to the major requirements of the New State Educational Standard for primary schools, and to the overview of textbooks available at the market. Attention will be focused on ICT competence as one of the major requirements of the New Standard. In the second part of the report we’ll be dealing with examples of tasks taken from various textbooks and the ways to change them in order for the tasks to meet the demands of the Standard by using online tools in particular.
  18. Bobrov Vasily Alexandrovich,
    Lingua Centre - Z,
  19. Bobyr Svetlana Leonidovna,
    Candidate of Pedagogy, Assistant Professor of Chernigov Taras Shevchenko National Pedagogical University, Pedagogy and FLT Methodology Chair,

    • –  "Planning an ICT Based Intercultural Project" (Brief Abstract)

      Planning an ICT Based Intercultural Project

      Analyzed in the article is the experience of conducting an ICT based intercultural project. Paying tribute to the new technologies of communication and to the advantages we enjoy due to them in an educational sphere, studied herein are the objective and subjective difficulties which the participants of such a project might face and which should be considered by its organizers while planning it.
  20. Bogolepova Svetlana ,
    assistant teacher, Moscow State Pedagogical University,

    • –  "Use of Language Corpora for Psycholinguistic Research" (Brief Abstract)

      Use of Language Corpora for Psycholinguistic Research

      A corpus is a collection of authentic written or spoken text. These sources can be analyzed in different ways to study grammar and vocabulary relations. In this talk, various corpora will be presented and critically analyzed. Also, the presenter will talk about her experience of using corpus data for psycholinguistic research. The example of how linguistic consciousness can be studied with corpora will be presented.
  21. Bogomolov Andrey Nickolaevich,
    PhD, Professor of Education,

    • –  "Infosphere and the New Educational Paradigm: description of concepts" (Brief Abstract)

      Infosphere and the New Educational Paradigm: description of concepts

    • –  "Designing an e-Learning Course of Russian as a Foreign Language in the Virtual Language Learning Environment." (Brief Abstract)

      Designing an e-Learning Course of Russian as a Foreign Language in the Virtual Language Learning Environment.

  22. Borshchevetskaya Valentina Dmitrivna,
    PhD in Pedagogics, Associated Professor, Belaya Tserkov National Agrarian University,

    • –  "Principles of foreign languages teaching in view of modern information technologies" (Brief Abstract)

      Principles of foreign languages teaching in view of modern information technologies

      все как у Шмыровой О.В
  23. Budenkova Evgeniya Alexandrovna,
    Siberian State Aerospace University named after the academician M.F. Reshetnev,

    • –  "Methodology of computer-assisted cooperative learning based on the materials of the multicultural collaborative programme "STEP into the Global Classroom"" (Brief Abstract)

      Methodology of computer-assisted cooperative learning based on the materials of the multicultural collaborative programme "STEP into the Global Classroom"

      The article is dedicated to the scientific readiness of the computer-assisted cooperative learning theory in the foreign research activities. Also the author's methodology being implemented within the bounds of the multicultural collaborative programme for US and foreign teachers is presented in the article (the official site:
  24. Byvsheva Marina Valeryevna,
    candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor, Departm for Pedagogic and Psyhologi for Childhood of Ural State Pedagogical Universityent of ,
  25. Desyatova Liubov Vladimirovna,
    School #1542; Relod,

    • –  "Creation and use of personal learning environment by tools of the Internet for teaching a foreign language. Preparation for National State Exam and State final examination" (Brief Abstract)

      Creation and use of personal learning environment by tools of the Internet for teaching a foreign language. Preparation for National State Exam and State final examination

      Creation and use of personal learning environment by tools of the Internet for teaching a foreign language. The benefits of using personal learning environment for learning English and Preparation for National State Exam and State Final attestation.
  26. Dmitriyeva Nataliya ,
    English teacher,
  27. Dobaeva Fatima Vladislavovna,
    Master degree in political science with the Moscow State University of Foreign Relations,
  28. Dolganova Olga Vasilyevna,
    MEd, MSSES; MA in TESOL& EdTech, The University of Manchester, ,

    • –  "Using сoncordancer to raise students’ language awareness during academic writing process" (Brief Abstract)

      Using сoncordancer to raise students’ language awareness during academic writing process

      In recent years there has been an increasing number of studies on the use of concordancing in writing. These studies focused on a concordancer application in order to raise learners’ language awareness and thus improve their written texts. According to the findings and the author’s personal teaching practice, corpus consultations reduce native language interference, as it provides learners with authentic examples of the language, which is difficult if not impossible to obtain from the course book, grammar, or dictionary, and help learners solve their writing problems and consequently increase their language awareness and confidence in writing.
  29. Doronina Tatiana Aleksandrovna,
  30. Edlichko Anzhela Igorevna,
    Ph. D., Lomonosov Moscow State University,
  31. Efimova Galina Leonidovna,
    associate professor,

    • –  "Organizing of the Academic and Training Space of the Internet Communication in a Foreign Language" (Brief Abstract)

      Organizing of the Academic and Training Space of the Internet Communication in a Foreign Language

      In the presented report strategies and tactics of organizing academic and training students'communication in the German Language using informational and communicative technologies are considered.
  32. Evdokimova Mary Georgievna,
    Doctor of Pedagogy, National Research University of Electronic Technology,

    • –  "Developing Learner Autonomy In ICT Environment" (Brief Abstract)

      Developing Learner Autonomy In ICT Environment

      The new ICT-based educational environment radically changes the whole system of language and culture education. The central place in this system belongs to an autonomous learner. The speaker shows how to develop student's abilities to become an autonomous learner in the ICT-based educational environment.
  33. Eydelman Natalya Yurievna,
    MA (TESOL & ICT), senior lecturer, Novosibirsk State University,

    • –  "Взаимное редактирование студентами письменных работ друг друга с использованием инструментов Веб 2.0 " (Аннотация)

      Взаимное редактирование студентами письменных работ друг друга с использованием инструментов Веб 2.0

      В докладе рассматривается опыт обучения студентов языкового факультета вуза навыкам письменной речи в рамках курса академического письменного английского с помощью взаимного редактирования письменных работ друг друга с использованием инструментов Веб 2.0. Данный курс преподается с использованием таких асинхронных инструментов компьютерно-опосредованной коммуникации (КОК) как блог и вики. Анализируется процесс формирования навыков взаимного редактирования студентами языкового факультета письменных работ друг друга. Я поделюсь опытом обучения студентов навыкам комментирования письменных работ друг друга и проанализирую изменения в содержании комментариев студентов в ходе прохождения курса. Будет проанализировано, в какой степени взаимное редактирование студентами письменных работ друг друга способствует совершенствованию у них навыков письменной речи.
  34. Fandei Victoria Aleksandrovna,
    Moscow State University,

    • –  "«Using MOODLE learning management system as a means of enhancing the process of teaching and learning English»" (Brief Abstract)

      «Using MOODLE learning management system as a means of enhancing the process of teaching and learning English»

      The article discusses the experience of using modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment (MOODLE) as a means of enhancing students’ preparation for direct communication in English with their counterparts from different universities of the world via videoconferencing. In particular, the dynamic educational programme on this platform used in the course «ICT in Intercultural Communication» at the FFLAS MSU is considered.
  35. Fedotova Victoria Olegovna,
    старший преподаватель кафедры лингвистики и межкультурной коммуникации МЭСИ,

    • –  "The philosophical aspect of the use of ICT in the teaching of foreign languages" (Brief Abstract)

      The philosophical aspect of the use of ICT in the teaching of foreign languages

      We consider the philosophical aspect of the use of information technology. Within the philosophy of culture there is the concept of "techne." In the ancient tradition techne meant urge towards excellence in craftsmanship. The question of techne is also seen in the development of ideas about education, which contributed the development of culture. The transfer of knowledge is a correlation of "techne" and "mimesis" - a student begins to imitate, then takes possession of techne. According to M.Heidegger is "Language is the house of objective reality” and learning of foreign language can help to understand the reality.
  36. Fetisova Anastasia Aleksandrovna,
    Moscow City Pedagogical University,

    • –  "It's a Small World or Using Web resources For Developing Students' Cross-Cultural Competence" (Brief Abstract)

      It's a Small World or Using Web resources For Developing Students' Cross-Cultural Competence

      The report deals with identifying problems of developing students’ cross-cultural competence in EFL classroom. An analysis of web-sites is provided to be implemented for enhancing students’ skills in cross-cultural interactions.
  37. Filippova Yulia Andreevna,
    Post graduate student, Lomonosov Moscow State University,

    • –  "Дидактические возможности ИКТ в преподавании лингвострановедения" (Аннотация)

      Дидактические возможности ИКТ в преподавании лингвострановедения

  38. Gadzhieva Eliza ,
    school 1481,
  39. Gadzhikhanov Zakir Abdulbasirovich,
    candidate of pedagogiсal science,

    • –  "To a question on using ICT in teaching English in primary school" (Аннотация)

      To a question on using ICT in teaching English in primary school

      В статье идет речь о применении ИКТ при обучении английскому языку в начальной школе.
  40. Geykhman Lyubov Kimovna,
    professor, DrSc(education),

    • –  " Modern approaches to foreign languages teaching and learning in the information society" (Brief Abstract)

      Modern approaches to foreign languages teaching and learning in the information society

      The paper argues some new approaches to foreign languages teaching and learning process in the modern information society.
  41. Glazyrina Anna Igorevna ,
    candidate of linguistics, associate professor, Institute of Foreign Languages, Ural State Pedagogical University,

    • –  "ICT in Terminology Research" (Brief Abstract)

      ICT in Terminology Research

      The implementation of ICT in terminology research (how-to-make, how-to-process, how-to-store, how-to-use, how-to-transfer and ho-to-manage aspects) is being discussed.
  42. Gorbachevskaya Svetlana Ivanovna,
    к.ф.н., доц. МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова,

    • –  "Использование ИКТ в преподавании перевода" (Аннотация)

      Использование ИКТ в преподавании перевода

      В докладе рассматриваются возможности использования информационно-коммуникационных технологий в процессе обучения навыкам профессионально ориентированного письменного перевода. Автор делится своим опытом организации занятий, анализирует имеющиеся Интернет-ресурсы, предлагает разработанную систему упражнений и конкретные методы развития навыков всех видов письменного перевода при помощи Интернет-технологий.
  43. Gordienko Nadezhda Evguenievna,
    PhD, MGOSGI,



      Today problems of quality estimation of the professional training and competence are actual not only for Russia, but also for all world community. The end of XX century was marked by rapid development and introduction of information technologies in all society spheres. It has caused requirement for preparation of competent professionals. Therefore search of new tools of quality estimation of professional training becomes an important problem. The electronic portfolio can be considered as alternative tool of estimation of professional training quality of the future teachers. Portfolio major importance consists in displacement of accent from an evaluation to a self-evaluation. It leads to development of reflective personal qualities. Also it raises motivation level to training. In the paper the example of a portfolio use in the preparation of future teachers students at Caen Pedagogical University (the Low Normandy, France) is described.
  44. Gorshkova Yulia Alexandrovna,
    Moscow pedagogic state university,

    • –  "Information and Communication Technologies in the Educational Process of Linguistic Disciplines." (Brief Abstract)

      Information and Communication Technologies in the Educational Process of Linguistic Disciplines.

      For students of linguistic departments studing foreign languages it is extremely important to work with the most current and new sources of information, to receive information on changes in the language increasing by it their linguistic knowledge. In the faculty of Languages (French language department) elective course on neology of modern French language is taught as well as traditional lexicology course. This report contains author's experience on creating cultural linguistic and global space using the Internet. It includes the list of Internet resources, evaluating the advantages of its' use. The structure of neology course can be an example for making other cources on philology using the information and communication technologies.
  45. Gracheva Evgeniya Sergeevna,
    Teacher of English, Private Language School,
  46. Gvozdeva Ludmila Yuryevna,
  47. Ilyahov Maxim Olegovich,

    • –  "Simple web tools for course administration, digital gradebooks and online course authoring for teachers outside digitally integrated learning institutions" (Brief Abstract)

      Simple web tools for course administration, digital gradebooks and online course authoring for teachers outside digitally integrated learning institutions

      The presentation features five of the most accessible, easy-to-use web tools that help teachers administer their courses, track grades and engage in basic course authoring. All tools are free, easy to use and can be applied on teacher level, without the need to integrate an entire institution. Such tools are one-step solutions to taking the traditional classes online effortlessly.
    • –  "Course authoring and integration on Allthink and Engrade" (Brief Abstract)

      Course authoring and integration on Allthink and Engrade

      The workshop focuses on fully automating and authoring digital courses on Allthink, from collecting the multimedia content to packaging, publishing, protecting IP rights and managing the created course on Engrade platform.
  48. Ivanova Liudmila Ivanovna,
    PhD, associate professor Department of Linguistics, Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU),

    • –  "ESP course design for engineering students via media tools" (Brief Abstract)

      ESP course design for engineering students via media tools

      This article is devoted to the challenging issue of enhancing communication competence in engineering students. It is proposed to develop interdisciplinary links via multimedia tools and to treat from the educational point electronic international engineering discourse. Multimedia materials designed according to the task-based approach and on the basis of Internet engineering resources contribute to better language acquisition and encourage mastering the communication competence on the whole. The modes and the value of our educational resources have been investigated in the course of long teaching.
  49. Kashchuk Svetlana Mikhailovna,
    Lecturer, teacher of French as a foreign language and language-teaching methodology at the University of Kolomna (Greater Moscow).,

    • –  "Online education project «Blogons en français: Info / Intox?» as example of active French language learning as part of problem-based learning." (Brief Abstract)

      Online education project «Blogons en français: Info / Intox?» as example of active French language learning as part of problem-based learning.

      Problem-based learning relies on the principle that the trainee builds his knowledge by interacting in a social environment with his learning partners (teacher and other pupils). In the course of foreign language learning the communicative task which is set before the trainees as a problem should set off the mechanisms of cognitive thinking as well as the use of all skills necessary for its resolution. The communicative task viewed as a problem should contain some contradiction towards which the resolution of the trainees` efforts will be directed. This will allow them to effectively use their skills and act efficiently.
  50. Katasonova Natalia Vladimirovna,
    senior lecturer, MIEM RU HSE,

    • –  "A Collaborative research project aimed at compiling a translation dictionary on public procurement by means of information and communication technologies" (Brief Abstract)

      A Collaborative research project aimed at compiling a translation dictionary on public procurement by means of information and communication technologies

      The academic and professional field of public procurement is now undergoing a series of radical changes that directly affect the term system of this subject sphere. This is primarily due to the change of a conceptual approach to the theory and practice of national public procurement and a transition to a federal contract system. There is an urgent need for an inventory of bilingual terms of public procurement in English and Russian languages ​​and drafting the country's first bilingual dictionary (about 500 terms) in this subject area. The educational research project "The Collaborative compilation of a translation dictionary on public procurement by means of information and communication technologies" was carried out by fourth-year students of the Faculty of Public Administration at MIEM RU HSE.
    • –  "The corpus of contemporary american english in the university course of Academic English" (Brief Abstract)

      The corpus of contemporary american english in the university course of Academic English

      The report will describe the method of using the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) in the course of English for academic purposes.
  51. Khromov Sergey Sergeevich,
    Doctor, Prof.,Head of the Department of Linguistics and Cross-Cultural communication of the Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics,

    • –  "The project of blended virtual language model for foreigners learning Russian as a foreign language" (Brief Abstract)

      The project of blended virtual language model for foreigners learning Russian as a foreign language

      The report is devoted to the project of virtual language model for foreigners learning Russian as a foreign language. The peculiar attention is paid to the blended learning using different instruments and facilities of virtual Campus in MESI - forums, tests,presentations, individual assignments .
  52. Klenkina Ekaterina Andreevna,
  53. Kletschko Dmitri Genrikowitsch,
    Dr. phil. Goethe-Institut Minsk,

    • –  "Компетентностный подход в образовании и современные информационные технологии " (Аннотация)

      Компетентностный подход в образовании и современные информационные технологии

      В докладе освещается проблемое поле разработки концепции ключевых компетенций для системы повышения квалификации преподавателей иностранного языка в контексте конструкционизма как философии обучения. При выделении черт компетентностно ориентированной дидактики, особое внимание уделяется образовательному потенциалу современных информационных технологий. Акцент при этом делается на положения конструктивизма и коннективизма как теории обучения. Затрагивается также вопрос построения образовательных моделей с учетом влияния социального и семантического веба на образовательные модели.
  54. Kodryanu Alexandra Alexandrovna,
    student at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies,

    • –  "Use of the social networks for foreign languages teaching optimisation, illustrated by the example of the social network" (Brief Abstract)

      Use of the social networks for foreign languages teaching optimisation, illustrated by the example of the social network

      Use of the social networks for foreign languages teaching optimisation, illustrated by the example of the social network "V kontakte". The purpose of this paper is to analyse the use of social networks for in the process of optimisation of foreign languages teaching of linguistic as well as non-linguistic universities. The work focuses on the subject of interactive potential of the network under considerations, with reference to pros and cons of its resort in the teaching process.
  55. Korchazhkina Olga Maksimovna,
    PhD (candidate degree in radio-physics and electronics) The Children's &Youth Centre "Germes",

    • –  "Workshop: Google services in FLT" (Brief Abstract)

      Workshop: Google services in FLT

      The Workshop presents a few simple ways of using Google services (”Google Forms”) to develop automatically processed online questionnaires and display the results in a table or diagram form, as well as language tests, being automatically checked out with the score calculated.
  56. Koroleva Svetlana Yur'evna,
  57. Korotkina Irina Borisovna,
    PhD, Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences,

    • –  "Living in PowerPoint Interactive Environment: Academic Vocabulary for Social Sciences " (Brief Abstract)

      Living in PowerPoint Interactive Environment: Academic Vocabulary for Social Sciences

      Today, MS PowerPoint has become so user-friendly and so rich that creating one's own interactive learning materials is no longer work, but all play. A teacher may draw from the Web and various digital sources to weave his|her own unique magic environment in which both students and the teacher would feel at home - provided the methdology is balanced and focused on the learning goals. This environment is easily changed and modified to suit a particular class and particular needs. The course of Academic Vocabulary for Social Sciences has become inseparable from such environment.
  58. Korukhov Stanislav ,
    Ph.d FFLAS Lomonosov Moscow State University,
  59. Kozhevnikova Tatiana Vitalievna,
    candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor, Moscow technical university of communications and informatics,

    • –  "Teaching professionally oriented online reading (non-linguistic university, the English language)" (Brief Abstract)

      Teaching professionally oriented online reading (non-linguistic university, the English language)

      The presenter is going to outline reasons for developing online reading skills of professionally oriented literature.Online reading is viewed both as means for providing wide access to authentic materials through the Iternet and as the most effective way for improving paper reading and creating learners' motivation to read. Examples of learning materials and preliminary results are provided.
  60. Krivoshchekova Anastasia Sergeevna,
    teacher of English, Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities,

    • –  "Actual problems of the remote language teaching theory" (Brief Abstract)

      Actual problems of the remote language teaching theory

      The given article is devoted to the notion of the remote education, its basic categories (aim, objective, contents, means and methods), didactic peculiarities and principles (interactivity, reflection, nonlinear nature of informational structures and principles, combined use of various educational forms, complex multimedia use). Later the author enumerates some problems which appear with the process of introduction of the remote teaching theory into the system of education. Also teachers of languages and learners can face other problems connected with the remote study. In conclusion there are some alternative solutions of the problems discussed.
  61. Kulagina Helen ,
  62. Kulikov Viktor ,
    Senior teacher, RSUTE,
  63. Kurman Nesibely Zhakenkyzy,
    Higher Doktorate Pedagogical sciences,

    • –  "Information and communication technologies in teaching Kazakh as the state in higher education" (Brief Abstract)

      Information and communication technologies in teaching Kazakh as the state in higher education

      The report examines the didactic potential of ICT in the teaching of the Kazakh language in high schools of Kazakhstan.
  64. Kurmanova Baktigul Zhakenovna,
    Higher Doktorate Pedagogical sciences,

    • –  "Information and communication technologies in teaching Kazakh as the state in higher education" (Brief Abstract)

      Information and communication technologies in teaching Kazakh as the state in higher education

      The report examines the didactic potential of ICT in the teaching of the Kazakh language in high schools of Kazakhstan.
  65. Kutukova Irina ,
  66. Leonova Olga Sergeevna,
    Postgraduate student, Lomonosov Moscow State University,

    • –  "Corpus Linguistics in Language Investigation (the Case of Special Technical Vocabulary)" (Brief Abstract)

      Corpus Linguistics in Language Investigation (the Case of Special Technical Vocabulary)

      The main objective of the research carried out was to define the peculiarities of special lexical units with similar meaning, but belonging to different layers of the language, by method of corpora analysis. The investigation was carried out on the basis of COSMAS II corpus (German language). To achieve this objective some special automobile lexical units have been analyzed: attention was paid not to separate words, but to “lexical rows” – lexical units with similar meaning, but belonging to different layers. As a research result conclusion was made about the peculiarities of the lexical units analyzed, their similarities and differences, as well as their belonging to a particular context.
  67. Lillibridge Sarah ,
    Fulbright English Teaching Assistant/Saratov State Academy of Law,

    • –  "Using ICT as a Teacher and as a Student: Language Study in the 21st Century" (Brief Abstract)

      Using ICT as a Teacher and as a Student: Language Study in the 21st Century

      With the advent of new technologies, the possibilities for studying languages have greatly expanded. The use of films, electronic dictionaries, and the internet in lessons allows quick and easy access to a variety of language styles. Technology cannot fully replace the expertise of a teacher and/or native speaker, but it provides ample opportunities to exemplify the structure and actual usage of language and grammatical concepts. This presentation examines the experience of a native English speaker teaching English and studying Russian in Russia and the presence of ICT in both settings.
  68. Loseva Anna ,
    English language teacher, Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University,

    • –  "The Benefits of Using Social Network " (Brief Abstract)

      The Benefits of Using Social Network

      Whereas social networking is no longer a particularly new phenomenon in our life, it has recently started to be used in the ways originally not intended for. The networks have become new media, far more powerful in the 21st century than the original set of TV-radio-press, especially among the younger generation. In this light, it makes sense for educators to face this challenge and benefit from social media, too. In this workshop you’ll get a few practical tips on how to easily fit the most popular Russian social network Vkontakte into your classes.
  69. Luczak Aleksandra ,
    Dr, Head of Linguistics Section, Foreign Languages Centre, Kozminski University,

    • –  "Developing Students’ Commercial and Intercultural Awareness Using Web 2.0 Tools" (Brief Abstract)

      Developing Students’ Commercial and Intercultural Awareness Using Web 2.0 Tools

      The article describes an international experiment of incorporating Web2.0 into Legal English courses. Created by Polish and Russian teachers with the purpose to create a space where Law students would have a possibility of using English for communication within the professional field WIKI DURALEX won students’ interest. Initial topics for discussion were offered by teachers. Then students stepped forward with the ideas appealing to them. Pages devoted to home institutions were also created by students as well as a commercial awareness page framed by teachers for students’ benefit. The authors resume advantages for teachers and students of such projects.
  70. Lvova Olga Vladimirovna,
    Phd, assistant professor, Moscow City Pedagogical University ,

    • –  "Educational functions of pedagogy under process of education informatization" (Brief Abstract)

      Educational functions of pedagogy under process of education informatization

      The Internet has become a specific media of social relations display. New forms of communication and people’s interaction are developing, special subculture is forming. Possibilities of net-education break monopoly of a teacher and make him cede some pedagogical space to computer, that’s why the role of intrinsic personality’s activity for self-development and self-education increases. Thereat it is necessary to solve problems of social education focused on more active students socialization in forming informational society and study of informational culture, training of personality ready to live in such society and, in particular, development ICT means application methods to support educational process.
    • –  "Innovative ICT-instruments for educational work and training activities" (Brief Abstract)

      Innovative ICT-instruments for educational work and training activities

      Group e-mail, blogs, chats, forums, social nets are a type of pedagogical interaction through computer telecommunications, mastering such computer-mediated communication should take place inside problems of constructing relevant media based on ICT, processes of traditional pedagogical interaction adaptation to these media. However, too little attention is paid to application of these technologies to solve educational problems at the stage of ICT means integration into traditional educational system (present) and their application for group work in educational media (the nearest future). One should not be forgotten that educational work held at schools and higher educational institutions is of great importance.
  71. Lyfenko Dmitry Valeryevich,
    Ph.D., associate professor, Kaluga Branch of Moscow Humanities and Economics Institute,

    • –  "Potentials and Limits of Language E-Learning in Secondary and Higher School " (Brief Abstract)

      Potentials and Limits of Language E-Learning in Secondary and Higher School

      All aspects of E-learning are based on computer technologies. The author describes e-learning potentials and risks in education at a secondary and higher school. E-learning technologies create a single working space for all the participants of educational process: teachers, students, administrators. E-learning advantages are: - Accessibility at any time from any spot of the world; - Information range and its efficiency; - Automation and flexibility of the educational process; - Multimedia. E-learning disadvantages are: - Reduction of face-to-face communication between a teacher and a student; - Impersonality of education; - Promotion of a “click” way of thinking.
  72. Manhas Parikshat Singh ,
    Associate Professor, University of Jammu, India,

    • –  "Sustainable E Learning for Educational Institution Branding from Policy to Practice " (Brief Abstract)

      Sustainable E Learning for Educational Institution Branding from Policy to Practice

      This research paper tries to present the general impression about E learning / real time virtual learning and what it conveys. The paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of E Learning and their influence building brand image of educational institutions. The various challenges being encountered by the educational institutions and key E learning players are also discussed and the challenges being faced by the emerging business models in delivering the E-Learning strategies. Although educational institutions worldwide are employing online learning resources to create a brand image for them but we need to explore in depth the implications of the same.
  73. Medvedev Oleg Stephanovich,
    MD, Ph.D., Professor, Faculty of Fundamental Medicine Moscow State University,

    • –  "English for Medical Professionals - Role of Internet and Interactive IT" (Brief Abstract)

      English for Medical Professionals - Role of Internet and Interactive IT

      Modern doctor must be competent not only in medical subjects but also in information technologies (IT), Internet use and in communications in English. These demands are based on the fact that the most of medical information in printed and electronic forms are distributed in English nowdays. Reforms of healthcare systems in many countries include implementation and wide use of Electronic Patient Records (EPR), e-prescription, telemedicine and mobile health monitoring. The basis for interoperability of IT systems is use of international codes of diagnoses (ICD-10) and of SNOMED for semantic interoperability. Useful tools for teaching medical English are podcasts and transcripts of podcasts, presented by the leading international medical journals, interactive textbooks (Smartbooks) and webinars with the leading medical professionals.
  74. Mikhailina Tatyana Igorevna,
    PhD in Pedagogics,
  75. Nazarenko Alla Leonidovna,
    PhD (Doctor of Sciences), Professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University,

    • –  "ICT in Education: A New Concept of a University Lecture Course" (Brief Abstract)

      ICT in Education: A New Concept of a University Lecture Course

      The Russian system of education is undergoing a process of modernization where ICT play a decisive role. It presupposes not only providing advanced technical equipment but also integrating technologies into a traditional teaching and learning process on the basis of scholarly-proven methodology. One of the sound didactic solutions is introducing an element of e-learning for structuring and monitoring students\' autonomous active study. A lecture course in a traditional format can be transformed into a mode of blended learning via combining classroom F2F teaching with students\' self-preparation in an interactive learning environment to enhance the efficacy of an educational process. An experience of such transformation is considered.
  76. Nizovets Tatiana Ivanovna,
    Professor of Moscow Academy of Humanities & Technology; Associate Professor, PhD in Philology,

    • –  "The Internet as a Platform for Student Journalism" (Brief Abstract)

      The Internet as a Platform for Student Journalism

      The report deals with the various ways in which students of Journalism can use the Internet for their stories. It is explained how technology allows them to file stories using a combination of text, pictures, video, audio, animation and interactive features. The defining characteristics of online journalism are revealed and tips are given on how to create a blog, a podcast, a video and conduct an online interview. Some new approaches to teaching English to Media Studies students are suggested.
  77. O'Connor Eileen ,
    Associate Professor - Science Ed, Instructional Tech, General Ed Empire State College (SUNY),

    • –  "Collaborating and sharing at a distance, through virtual and web-mediated approaches " (Brief Abstract)

      Collaborating and sharing at a distance, through virtual and web-mediated approaches

      As the boundaries of time, geography, and even “reality” are blurring, how can educators put the tools of distance collaboration and sharing to work in their courses and in their greater communities of learners and practitioners? What tools, techniques, approaches, and examples can guide an educator looking to branch into distance teaching and collaboration? This paper will highlight readily-available internet-based and virtual technology tools and will suggest ways that educators can plan to learn and then integrate collaborative and distance approaches into their courses, thereby enriching their own instruction.
  78. Olivos Mariella ,
    Associate Director Bachelor Programs; Associate Professor,

    • –  "Exploratory research to analyze attitudes for training cross cultural competences using ICT tools." (Brief Abstract)

      Exploratory research to analyze attitudes for training cross cultural competences using ICT tools.

      The present article content a literature review about the concept of crosscultural competence, and shows the results of an exploratory study applied to a group of bachelor business students in a Peruvian university who participate in 2010 in two courses using Information Communication Technologies (ICT). The methodology used for the study consist in a survey applied to 39 students from different nationalities: Peruvian, French, German and from Colombia asking their attitude (level of agreement or disagreement) with cross-cultural issues, as well as the use of videoconference and chat. These ICT tools were used at class for the interaction with other international students located in universities in the USA, UK, Portugal, India, Brasil and Algeria).
  79. Panikarova Nadezhda Phyodorovna,
    academic title "associated professor", Siberian Federal University, ISIT, Head of the chair CFL,

    • –  "Оrganizing and monitoring of students’ self-study by means of e-learning course of the English language for non-linguistic directions of study." (Brief Abstract)

      Оrganizing and monitoring of students’ self-study by means of e-learning course of the English language for non-linguistic directions of study.

      The article is concerned with organizing and monitoring of students’ self-study by means of e-learning course of the English language for non-linguistic directions of study. E-learning tools for monitoring, control and evaluation of students’ activities are considered. The results of testing prove effectiveness of the suggested organizing of students’ self-study. The mentioned e-course is developed at the Institute of Space and Information Technology of Siberian Federal University.
  80. Parfionova Nina Nikiforovna,
    доктор филологических наук, профессор, ГОУ ВПО ,

    • –  "Использование возможностей Интернета при подготовке международного образовательного проекта “ Universities of the World” в педагогическом университете " (Аннотация)

      Использование возможностей Интернета при подготовке международного образовательного проекта “ Universities of the World” в педагогическом университете

      Широкие возможности Интернета позволяют успешно осуществлять подготовку и реализацию международного образовательного проекта “Universities of the World” в педагогическом университете города Сургута (Ханты-Мансийской автономный округ). Данный проект предполагает формирование таких компонентов, как: I. Опыт профессиональной проектировочной деятельности студентов педагогического университета. II. Владение лингвистической составляющей: развитие коммуникативных умений посредством Интернет-коммуникации и подлинно речевого взаимодействия. III. Умения методической организации формирования и развития интерактивного речевого взаимодействия на основе неравенства информации. Уникальность проекта заключается в том, что выпускники педагогического университета, получившие умения реального межкультурного взаимодействия, смогут в ходе собственной профессиональной деятельности обучать своих учеников достойно позиционировать свой округ на международном уровне.
  81. Pateeva Nataliya Yevgenyevna,
    Candidate in Pedagogical Sciences ,
  82. Petrosyan Irina -,
    PhD, MSU,

    • –  "Internet Dictionaries of Tourism Terminology" (Brief Abstract)

      Internet Dictionaries of Tourism Terminology

      The report deals with the results of a lexicographic study into tourism terminology representation in English special purpose dictionaries on the Internet.
  83. Pickett Alexandra ,
    Associate Director, SUNY Learning Network, State University of New York System Adminstration,

    • –  "teaching and learning in the " (Brief Abstract)

      teaching and learning in the

      What might it look like to teach and learn in the "clouds"? Let go and look up at the use of student-generated content, the social web, and web 2.0 to enhance your instruction and engage your students. Have you thought about using blogs in your course so that your students can reflect or make their thinking visible to you? How would you assess and give them feedback? Have you thought about empowering your students to peer-evaluate each other? What might that look like? Have you thought about podcasting or screencasting to provide engaging online student feedback? Could video enhance how you present your content? What would that look like? Have you ever wanted to open your course and invite the world in? Would you dare? I teach a fully online master's level course where the majority of the content, interaction, and feedback for the course take place in the "clouds" outside the context of the course management system. This presentation will ask you to step into the "cloud" with me to consider possibilities for your own instruction. I will show you my “cloud” and how I am exploring what it really means to be student-centered. I will show you what happens when several web 2.0 technologies (twitter, voicethread, diigo, edublogs, jing, meebome, voki, vyou, QRcodes, youtube, podomatic, screencast-o-matic, audacity, animoto, polldaddy) are stitched together into one fully online course in moodle. I will talk about how I did it and why, and what the students thought about it. And, I will also invite you to explore selected tools for yourself, and to join my networks, so you can share with me what you know and what you learn.
  84. Pkhakadze Levan Grigorievich,
  85. Polyakova Svetlana Valentinovna,
    Perm State University,

    • –  "Cross-Cultural Skype Conference "Healthy Lifestyle: Russian and U.S. University Students’ Perspectives "" (Brief Abstract)

      Cross-Cultural Skype Conference "Healthy Lifestyle: Russian and U.S. University Students’ Perspectives "

      The importance of this skype project is in its attempt to discover and analyze university students’ perceptions of factors that contribute to healthy life styles. As a long-term cross-cultural project, this endeavor allows to pursue an interdisciplinary direction of academy inquiry. Moreover, this project fuels research on language for special purposes and cross-cultural understanding.
    • –  "IB Projects on Comparative Legal Systems and Education in Russian and in the USA " (Brief Abstract)

      IB Projects on Comparative Legal Systems and Education in Russian and in the USA

      We discuss the experiences and outcomes of the IB teaching and academic projects carried out by faculty and law students from two universities in Russia and in the USA.
  86. Popova Nina Vasilievna,
    Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor, St.Petersburg state polytechnical university,

    • –  "Interactive communication as factor of strengthening professional orientation of polysubject disciplines in view of Federal state standards realization " (Brief Abstract)

      Interactive communication as factor of strengthening professional orientation of polysubject disciplines in view of Federal state standards realization

      Didactic possibilities of multisubject disciplines, like foreign languages, are considered taking into account realization of interactive teaching methods on their basis.Interactive forms of teaching present the most up-to-date format of active methods as they are oriented at a wider interaction of students with both teachers and their peers.Besides conventional interactive forms of learning syllabus-related material, interactive discussion of alternative forms of homework preparation may be recommended, especially those referring to web-quests. Homework may become the main source of professionally-oriented interactive student communication in class.
  87. Proshina Uliana Mikhailovna,
    teacher, Lomonosov Moscow State University,

    • –  "Tutor's blog in teaching languages: pros and cons " (Brief Abstract)

      Tutor's blog in teaching languages: pros and cons

      The presentation will give a brief overview of tutor’s blogs published on the Web, their advantages and disadvantages, the speaker’s personal experience of using blogs in the EFL classroom, resources that can be integrated into language teaching with the help of a tutor’s blog, the reasons why some blogs enhance lessons and why other blogs fail to achieve the tutor's goal.
  88. Rabinkova Ksenia Vladimirovna,
    аспирантка ФИЯР МГУ имени Ломоносова,

    • –  "Distant learning of german language on basis of main points of andragogy" (Brief Abstract)

      Distant learning of german language on basis of main points of andragogy

  89. Radzhabova Peri Timuchinovna,
    Кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, Дагестанский Государственный Педагогический Универститет,
  90. Rekkedal Torstein ,
    Senior researcher/NKI distance education, Norway,

    • –  "Tutor competencies and tutor quality as critical for achieving total quality in online teaching and learning" (Brief Abstract)

      Tutor competencies and tutor quality as critical for achieving total quality in online teaching and learning

      What are critical competencies for an online tutor? Results from research and evaluation studies at NKI related to tutor quality. Organisational activities aiming at developing, measuring and assuring the quality of tutors and their work.
  91. Romanova Maria Sergeyevna,
    PhD, associate professor, Mary State University,

    • –  "Linguistic Specifics of Chat and the Opportunities of its Usage by Teaching Foreign Languages." (Brief Abstract)

      Linguistic Specifics of Chat and the Opportunities of its Usage by Teaching Foreign Languages.

      The report deals with the linguistic specifics of chat and discusses the opportunities of its usage by teaching foreign languages at the Secondary and Higher School.
  92. Ryabinina Natalia Andreevna,
  93. Salmina Natalia ,
    Teacher, State Secondary School 1924,
  94. Salnikova Maria Valeryevna,
    candidate in philology, Ulyanovsk state university,

    • –  "Globalization, development of ICT and professional training of translators" (Brief Abstract)

      Globalization, development of ICT and professional training of translators

      The article deals with some global economic, political and cultural factors influencing world language situation and translation industry in particular. Global processes entail implacable development of information technologies, what resulted in necessity to include ICT-competence into the list of essential professional characteristics of modern translators. The major ICT-skills of translation industry specialist are highlighted in the article.
  95. Savinyh Valentina Vladimirovna,
    ГОУ ВПО ,

    • –  "Использование возможностей Интернета при подготовке международного образовательного проекта “ Universities of the World” в педагогическом университете " (Аннотация)

      Использование возможностей Интернета при подготовке международного образовательного проекта “ Universities of the World” в педагогическом университете

      Широкие возможности Интернета позволяют успешно осуществлять подготовку и реализацию международного образовательного проекта “Universities of the World” в педагогическом университете города Сургута (Ханты-Мансийской автономный округ). Данный проект предполагает формирование таких компонентов, как: I. Опыт профессиональной проектировочной деятельности студентов педагогического университета. II. Владение лингвистической составляющей: развитие коммуникативных умений посредством Интернет-коммуникации и подлинно речевого взаимодействия. III. Умения методической организации формирования и развития интерактивного речевого взаимодействия на основе неравенства информации. Уникальность проекта заключается в том, что выпускники педагогического университета, получившие умения реального межкультурного взаимодействия, смогут в ходе собственной профессиональной деятельности обучать своих учеников достойно позиционировать свой округ на международном уровне.
  96. Selivanov Sergey Iosifovich,
    postgraduate student,

    • –  "Educational Internet resources as a constituent part of information and learning environment in primary school" (Brief Abstract)

      Educational Internet resources as a constituent part of information and learning environment in primary school

      This speech contains the attempt to have a clear look at the trends of modern Russian education at primary schools, we are going to analyze the information and learning environment and its constituent parts, and we will try to look at educational Internet resources as a component of information and learning environment.
  97. Shafikova Inna Rimovna,
    teacher, Bauman MSTU,

    • –  "Copyright issues in regard to teaching materials " (Brief Abstract)

      Copyright issues in regard to teaching materials

      The paper is concerned with two aspects of the copyright issue in regard to teaching. Firstly, it is important that teachers protect their own copyright. Secondly, it is no less important that teachers avoid violating other people’s copyright. The latter problem is especially acute due to the abundance of resources both on- and offline and the unprecedented degree of information exchange. The temptation of using the most recent authentic textual and visual media often leads to copyright infringement by the teacher. The issue needs to be considered from the point of view of the law, ethics and methodology.
  98. Shapovalova Tatiana Romanovna,
    Associate Professor, Chair of Translation and Interpretation, Sakhalin State University,

    • –  "Challenges Faced in Implementing Blended Learning in Higher Education " (Brief Abstract)

      Challenges Faced in Implementing Blended Learning in Higher Education

      Blended learning adjusts to the essential learning methods and overall learning environment, but teachers lack the necessary theoretical preparation and experi¬mental experience to take full advantage of these changes. In fact, the main chal¬lenge in blended learning is that most instructors in higher education do not know enough about effective instructional activities based on blended learning. The paper focuses on three challenges to implementing blended learning: designing the curriculum, designing and using online resources, and changing the strategies students use to learn.
  99. Sharanov Konstantin Evgenyevich,
    MSU postgraduate student,

    • –  "Use ICT in a self-access centre for German as a foreign language" (Brief Abstract)

      Use ICT in a self-access centre for German as a foreign language

  100. Shevliakova Daria Alexandrovna,
  101. Shmyrova Olga Vladimirovna,
    PhD in Pedagogics, Associated Professor, Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University,

    • –  "Principles of foreign language teaching in view of modern information technologies" (Brief Abstract)

      Principles of foreign language teaching in view of modern information technologies

      The article is devoted to the analysis of the fundamental principles and rules of teaching their influence on the effectiveness of teaching students dialogue impromptu speech in English in view of the achievements and potentials of modern multimedia technologies.
  102. Sidorova Ulyana Sergeevna,

    • –  "Использование flash-программ в преподавании иностранных языков: мнение студента" (Аннотация)

      Использование flash-программ в преподавании иностранных языков: мнение студента

      Программы flash-типа, в частности „prezi“, имеют ряд преимуществ перед традиционно использующимися программами из пакета Microsoft Office. В докладе презентации будут освещены и показаны основные отличия flash-приложений от стандартных слайдовых программ, их основные особенности, плюсы и минусы использования в преподавании иностранных языков на примере созданной в „prezi“ презентации. Кроме того, во время презентации доклада предполагается наглядное ознакомление с программой „prezi“ c помощью пошагового составления презентации.
  103. Sirotkin Oleg Olegovich,
    Moscow State University,

    • –  "Key features and practical recommendations on using web video conference tools and technologies for remote access and collaboration in teaching of foreign languages." (Brief Abstract)

      Key features and practical recommendations on using web video conference tools and technologies for remote access and collaboration in teaching of foreign languages.

      Tips and tricks on working with web video conference services (Skype, iChat, video space), and technologies for remote access and collaboration (PiratePad, TeamViewer, RemoteDesktop, JoinMe). The information contained in this report is based on four-year teaching experience generalization in the field of e-learning. You are going to get acquainted with interesting modern technologies and services and evaluate their appropriateness for practical use in teaching of foreign languages.
  104. Solovyova Nadezhda Alekseevna,

    • –  "я регистрируюсь просто как участник, я не буду выступать" (Аннотация)

      я регистрируюсь просто как участник, я не буду выступать

  105. Soluyanova Alla Yurievna,
    head of ELT department, Macmillan Russia,

    • –  "Learner autonomy in the digital era" (Brief Abstract)

      Learner autonomy in the digital era

      Learner autonomy can be defined as the ability of a learner to take charge of their own learning, not only by learning specific strategies or study skills but also by developing an entirely new attitude to learning. What is a truly independent learner of English like? How can I help my students to make a PSP? How to integrate technology into the process? The session will deal with strategies and approaches that can lead to more effective learning.
  106. Son Liudmila Petrovna,
    А candidate of economical science, reader in Romance-Germanic philology of the foreign language faculty in the Russian State Social University(RSSU), ,

    • –  "Internet Discourse: definition and characteristics " (Brief Abstract)

      Internet Discourse: definition and characteristics

      Applications of new information technologies and Internet in modern society led to the impact of information on the development of different spheres of human activity including the linguistic science. It is very important to highlight the problem of investigation of new concepts including Internet Discourse and major changes in the language system.
  107. Stavtseva Irina Vyacheslavovna,
    lecturer of the Foreign Languages Department, South Ural State University,

    • –  "Multimedia text and developing reading competency of a modern student" (Brief Abstract)

      Multimedia text and developing reading competency of a modern student

      The report deals with contemporary forms of text representation and with multimedia text in particular. The author focuses attention on the interaction between the information environment and student's reading competency. The report also describes the development of reading competency in the conditions of constantly changing reality.
  108. Strakhova Irina Georgievna,
    gymnasium 1542,
  109. Taganova Tatiana Alexandrovna,
    Associate professor, Ivanovo State University,

    • –  "Global Net and Dictionary: New Role of a New Dictionary User?" (Brief Abstract)

      Global Net and Dictionary: New Role of a New Dictionary User?

      The paper deals with the influence of the Internet on the basic principles of dictionary compiling nowadays. Internet pages of leading publishing houses are considered with special focus on the idea of interactive communication. The issue of the changing role of the dictionary user is being discussed as well as the questions of interaction between the lexicographer and the dictionary addressee.
  110. Talmo Tord Mjøsund ,
    Assistant professor, Sør-Trøndelag University College (Norway),

    • –  "Online Student Response System for Modern Mobile Devices" (Brief Abstract)

      Online Student Response System for Modern Mobile Devices

      In the project Do-It (2009-2011) it was designed and developed a new online Student Response System (SRS) for Modern Mobile Devices. The objective of Do-It was to disseminate, raise awareness and make use of Activity Based Training (ABT) in combination with use of online response system technologies for handheld devices. SRS benefits on being easy in use, both for students and teacher, utilizes students own handheld devices, making it an economic service, and is a flexible, dynamic and innovative tool applicable for every subject being taught. Our workshop will demonstrate how SRS is being used and will allow participants to try the system themselves. The discussion will be centered on methodology, and different ways of using SRS in the classroom, drawing on experiences obtained in our three years of research.
  111. Tareva Elena Genrikhovna,
    PhD (Didactics), Full Professor; Moscow City Teacher Training University,

    • –  "Specific Features of Students' Academic Autonomy in Distance Language Learning" (Brief Abstract)

      Specific Features of Students' Academic Autonomy in Distance Language Learning

      The phenomenon of "academic autonomy" being applied to distance FL teaching is under consideration. The report justifies the significance of the principle of students' academic autonomy in the context of the actual professional foreign language education. The classified list of learning skills necessary for distance language learning is defined. The author proposes the methodology of academic autonomy development in the process of FL distance learning.
  112. Tatarinova Maria Andreevna,
    Candidate of Science,

    • –  "MESI Initiatives in Training Specialists for Electronic and Distance Education" (Brief Abstract)

      MESI Initiatives in Training Specialists for Electronic and Distance Education

      The speech characterizes the modern sphere of e-learning in terms of needs and opportunities, challenges and threats in the open knowledge society, the social demand for preparation and in service training of specialists in the field of informatization of education. The author presents the problems of the development and structuring, as well as the status and prospects of creation and implementation of programs VPO (undergraduate and graduate) and DPO in the framework of the activities of the Department of Applied Informatics in education and Research center of open and distance education ICT MESI, which work is aimed at support the development and implementation of educational programmes, as well as the pedagogical design and consulting in the field of ICT usage in education at different levels and subject areas.
  113. Telnova Alevtina Anatolyevna,
    PhD (linguistics), associate professor, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (state university),

    • –  "Stages of creating VLE as part of blended learning with full-time students at a non-linguistic university." (Brief Abstract)

      Stages of creating VLE as part of blended learning with full-time students at a non-linguistic university.

      The article describes different stages of creating virtual learning environment as part of blended learning with full-time students at a non-linguistic university.
  114. Tichy Charles ,
    Professor of Russian and German,

    • –  "A modal for globalization in higher education " (Brief Abstract)

      A modal for globalization in higher education

      Presentation includes various diagrams and models for combining disciplines in higher education so that the disciplines reflect global perspectives. The discussion emphasizes that knowledge for the contemporary world should become more global thereby breaking the traditional boundaries of academic disciplines. Examples include the academic areas of physics, chemistry, music, literature, and ecucation. Resources related to a global curriculum are also included.
  115. Timashev Igor Yevgeniyevich,
    Докт. геогр. наук, старший научный сотрудник, географический ф-т, МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова ,

    • –  "«Visualisation of geographical revelations as a factor of intercultural communications, sporting-cognitive tourism and aktiv recreatio (on Kodar glacial region example, Zabaikalie»." (Brief Abstract)

      «Visualisation of geographical revelations as a factor of intercultural communications, sporting-cognitive tourism and aktiv recreatio (on Kodar glacial region example, Zabaikalie».

      «Geographical opening of modern glaciers in ridge Коdаr in the middle of ХХ century has made this region of Zabaikalje rather attractive and perspective for development of intercultural communications, sports-informative tourism and an active recreation».
  116. Timofeev Igor Victorovich,
    Instructor at Foreign Languages' Department of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University,
  117. Titova Svetlana Vladimirovna,
    Phd, professor ,

    • –  "Mobile learning in language classroom today" (Brief Abstract)

      Mobile learning in language classroom today

      Mobile learning is the most modern branch of ICT development in foreign language teaching. The workshop focuses on mobile learning advantages and ways of dealing with possible difficulties in mobile technologies integration with a traditional language course. In this respect types and examples of tasks based on mobile devices' and applications' implementation are depicted. The workshop includes online course Mobile Learning in Language Classroom demo module presentation.
  118. Tityaeva Gelena Vyacheslavovna,
    Post-graduate Student, Sakhalin State University ,

    • –  "Using Web 2.0 Tools for Teaching Linguists-interpreters in Higher Professional Education" (Brief Abstract)

      Using Web 2.0 Tools for Teaching Linguists-interpreters in Higher Professional Education

      The article is devoted to Web 2.0 as a means of professional competence development in teaching would-be linguists-interpreters.
  119. Trepak Yanina Vladimirovna,
    post-graduate student, Lomonosov MSU,

    • –  "Communicative strategies in academic blogosphere" (Brief Abstract)

      Communicative strategies in academic blogosphere

      The correct choice of communicative strategies - "complex of speech actions, aimed at the achievement of communicative action" (O.S. Issers) - is a key to successful communication and achievement of academic goals. Dominant strategies of the participants of academic blogosphere are: strategy of cooperation, courtesy, compliance-gaining, information-gaining, self-presentation and self-identity, persuasion, strategies for communication-involvement and maintaining interest. They are realized at the following levels: lexical, morphological, syntactic and text (discourse) level.
  120. Trzmielewska Joanna ,
    Macmillan Education, Educational Consultant,

    • –  "Independent learners, happier students" (Brief Abstract)

      Independent learners, happier students

      Aim of session is to…highlight the rise of a new generation of learners who, amongst other things, aim to be autonomous. This talk discusses a growing trend: supporting students’ autonomy. We’ll look at how teachers introduce and establish their students’ autonomy to increase their awareness of the language-learning process. Through the example of using Macmillan Practice Online we will see how the process works and define the benefits for language teachers and learners.
  121. Tsallagova Zalina Tazretovna,
    teacher, North Ossetian State University, Department of foreign languages for science faculties,

    • –  "Blended - learning models for teaching foreign languages in polylingual environment." (Brief Abstract)

      Blended - learning models for teaching foreign languages in polylingual environment.

      Nowadays, the knowledge of few languages: native and foreign,is the indispensable condition of modern life.Russia is a multinational country and it presents the existence of such society as a polycultural educational society, which presents specific educational sphere .The republic of North Ossetia Alania is the bright example of unique culture combination of Russian, Ossetian, Georgian, Chechen and other nationalities, who compose the basis of its population. Such language situation gives an opportunity for intensive innovations in the field of teaching languages.Blended - learning is one of the most effective ways of teaching languages.
  122. Uddin Md. Akther ,
    PhD student, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education,

    • –  "Cognitive styles and learning strategies in designing and implementing distance English language course at the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education." (Brief Abstract)

      Cognitive styles and learning strategies in designing and implementing distance English language course at the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education.

      Distance language learning is a new and dynamic force in the ELT world. Research has been conducted from a variety of perspectives in this area. However, enough attention has not been given on research about how to adapt the design of distance language learning to learners’ cognitive styles and learning strategies. This review is intended to deal with three issues: (a) an overview and dimensions of cognitive styles and learning strategies, (b) characteristics and formation of distance language learning platform, and (c) applications of cognitive styles and learning strategies to the design of distance language learning through different learning technologies.
  123. Umerova Maria Viktorovna,
    Candidate of Philological Sciences ,

    • –  "Сompilation and application of context-based dictionaries in different types of translation." (Brief Abstract)

      Сompilation and application of context-based dictionaries in different types of translation.

      Context-based dictionaries are applied in computer-aided translation systems, in learning English for specific purposes, in traditional translation, in investigation of language and style dynamics. In a context-based dictionary all the meanings of a polysemantic word are given through a number of discourses registered in the national language corpora. Context-based dictionary provides maximum information on the word application in different types of literature.
  124. Vasilevich Irina Anatolyevna,
  125. Vdovina Elena Konstantinovna,
    PhD Associate professor, Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University,

    • –  "Internet resources and task-based team work in the development of academic professionally oriented bilingualism" (Brief Abstract)

      Internet resources and task-based team work in the development of academic professionally oriented bilingualism

      The purpose of this article is to analyse some specific effects of using Internet resources as current and ever-changing extra sources of content alongside with the task-based team work of economics students in a bilingual syllabus. The article discusses a synergy effect of the content and language integrated learning as an innovative approach to the development of professionally oriented foreign language competence of non-linguistic students.
  126. Vladimirova Evgeniya Olegovna,
  127. Vladimirova Lyudmila Pavlovna,
    Candidate of pedagogical science,

    • –  "Особенности организации дистанционного обучения иностранным языкам" (Аннотация)

      Особенности организации дистанционного обучения иностранным языкам

      Данная статья посвящена основным особенностям организации дистанционного обучения иностранным языкам. Для организации учебного процесса в различных моделях дистанционного обучения могут быть использованы различные платформы, например оболочка Moodle, или некоторые сервисы Веб 2.0 (блоги). Дистанционное обучение предоставляет студентам возможность как обучения в группах так и планирования своей собственной образовательной траектории.
  128. Vygonskaya Ludmila Nikolaevna,
    Associate Professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University,
  129. Vyushkina Elena ,
    kandidat nauk, Associate Professor, Saratov State Law Academy,

    • –  "Developing Students’ Commercial and Intercultural Awareness Using Web 2.0 Tools" (Brief Abstract)

      Developing Students’ Commercial and Intercultural Awareness Using Web 2.0 Tools

      The article describes an international experiment of incorporating Web2.0 into Legal English courses. Created by Polish and Russian teachers with the purpose to create a space where Law students would have a possibility of using English for communication within the professional field WIKI DURALEX won students’ interest. Initial topics for discussion were offered by teachers. Then students stepped forward with the ideas appealing to them. Pages devoted to home institutions were also created by students as well as a commercial awareness page framed by teachers for students’ benefit. The authors resume advantages for teachers and students of such projects.
  130. Yaroslavova Elena Nikolaevna,
    PhD in Pedagogics, Associate Professor, South Ural State University,

    • –  "On the developmental effect of the information educational environment in foreign language learning" (Brief Abstract)

      On the developmental effect of the information educational environment in foreign language learning

      The application of ICT in foreign language teaching makes educational environment more functional in terms of its iteractivity, apatability, openness, programmability and flexibility. It allows to activate all types of perception( visual, auditory, etc.), to combine both logical and image bearing kinds of information acquisition. Developing ICT enabled learning will help the students to develop individual strategies of foreign language learning.
  131. Yusupova Seda Musaevna,
    Candidate of Filology, Chechen State University, Faculty of Foreign Languages,

    • –  "Corpus Approach in Phraseology" (Brief Abstract)

      Corpus Approach in Phraseology

      In modern linguistics the corpus analysis is one of the important methods of the language study in dynamics. The paper considers a corpus approach in phraseology, analyses the use of English and German idioms, representing the concept “work” in contexts. The results of research show that idioms with transparent inner form reveal the influence of image component on the actual meaning, undergo semantic and syntactic transformations. The analysis of idioms in the contexts also detects the peculiarities of their conceptual structures, compatibility, the frequency of use, specificity of contexts.
  132. Zhdanova Elena Viktorovna,
    PhD. in Linguistics, Associate professor of Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics,

    • –  "Webquests as a way of developing students' skills of critical thinkinking at the lessons of the English language" (Brief Abstract)

      Webquests as a way of developing students' skills of critical thinkinking at the lessons of the English language

      This article is devoted to the analysis of such information technology as webquests the use of which at the lessons of the English language is aimed to develop critical thinking skills. Different possible ways of integration webquests in the educational process in order to make lessons more effective and productive are discussed.
  133. Zheltkova Olga Vasilyevna,
    Candidate of Economic Sciences, National Research University - Higher School of Economics,

    • –  "The Teaching of Foreign Languages. Project Method." (Brief Abstract)

      The Teaching of Foreign Languages. Project Method.

      Now there are updating processes in sphere of training foreign languages, there are new approaches to the training, one of them is the project method which can lead to increase of student's motivation, they will be stimulated to self-education and development of communicative skills in a foreign language.
  134. Zhislin Anatoly Yackovlevitch,
    Dr., 'REPETITOR MultiMedia',

    • –  "Computer-based manuals for teaching and studying languages – well known and new opportunities for students and teachers." (Brief Abstract)

      Computer-based manuals for teaching and studying languages – well known and new opportunities for students and teachers.

      The presentation is devoted to computer-based manuals produced by ‘REPETITOR MultiMedia’ for individual self-study and teacher-guided usage in net-class. The manuals are covering the wide range of academic issues from early stages studying languages till translating training, business vocabulary, art of public speaking and second language for special purposes.
  135. Сhernyavskaya Galina Albertowna,
    Linguistisches Lyzeum 1555,

© The Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies of Lomonosov Moscow State University, DECent - The Distance Education Centre, 2012.

Phone: +7 (499) 783-02-16, e-mail:

Technical support for online-registration: Center for IT in Education REPETITOR MultiMedia, e-mail: